There’s still time to sign up for Booksfromthefuture’s 2014 summer school, which this year promises ten intensely productive days reimagining a piece of classic Victorian science fiction.

There’s less than a month to go until the start of Booksfromthefuture’s third summer school in London and, due to unforeseen circumstances, they still have a handful of places left. If you’re not familiar with the initiative, every year Booksfromthefuture runs a ten-day book design course that centres on “self-initiated, practice-based inquiry”. Established in 2012, the hybrid school-come-publisher aims to combine both education and practice; their workshops use teaching as a method to produce publications that are at once refined conceptual objects and experiments into the future of the medium.

The school’s first books, Jaime Gili: Repetition, sought to transform the formalist genre of the artist’s monograph, while their second, Thought Experiments in Graphic Design Education, catalogued the work of students, educators and practitioners who are driven to question the boundaries and motivations of their discipline. 2014 sees a more literary turn, with this year’s students set to be working on a reimagining of the 1884 science fiction novel Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions. In collaboration with designer Dante Carlos, students will each create a section of the book which will then be published by Booksfromthefuture. Founders Yvan Martinez and Joshua Trees will also act as tutors. Participants must demonstrate prior experience with designing at least one multi-page document.

Booksformthefuture Summer School
London Centre for Book Arts
7–18 July, 2014
Extended application deadline, 18 June 2014