A walking tour through the heart of London’s Stoke Newington helps intrepid explorers get face-to-face with the soul of advertising history.
What originally started as a blog documenting faded advertisements on the side of building dating from the late 1870s to the early 1950s has now become a series of East London-based walking tours led by ghost sign aficionado Sam Roberts.
Roberts (who is the curator of the History of Advertising Trust Ghostsigns Archive), will guide you through the heart of Stokey, offering the opportunity to find about more about the area’s rich commercial advertising history. During the walking tour, tales of local family businesses and insights into the lives of the people of that lived in the area are told through the fragmented work of sign painters (or ‘wall dogs’ as they were known in the States).
The next tour takes place on 4 September – whether you’re interested in the craft aspect, the local history or both, this is a unique experience which celebrates a rapidly disappearing commercial art form. Just don’t forget to look up…
To book a place on a Ghostsigns tour go to: